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A subprogram in FORTRAN can be: A subroutine in FORTRAN is a self-contained program which can be called from the main program or another subroutine by using a call statement. The statement call peter in the main program calls the subroutine with the name peter . The subroutine itself starts with the word subroutine, then the name of the subroutine, here peter, and then between semicolons the parameters. The subroutine-text ends with the word end. (Remark: in the example above the subroutine peter has no parameters).
The parameters are used in the sense of `call by reference`. `Call by value` does not exits in FORTRAN.

The variables in a subroutine which are not in the parameter list (or common block) are local, so they are only known in the subroutine itself. Values are transferred from the calling program by using the parameter mechanism. The same goes for information going the other way (transferring values from subroutine to calling program).
Subroutines may call other FORTRAN subroutines, but not recursively.
In FORTRAN one also has the FUNCTION subprogram. A function starts with the word function, followed by the name of the function and between semicolons the formal parameters. A function ends (like a subroutine) with the word end. Within the function subroutine the name of the function must be assigned a value.

Declarations within a subroutine or function include the declarations of local variables, variables in the parameter list and the name of the function. The function also has to be declared in the calling program (or sub program).
Arrays in the parameter list must be declared in the subprogram as arrays. For fixed size arrays, the same rules apply as for the main program. Besides that, variable size arrays are allowed in the parameter list. The size of the variable size arrays is indicated using an integer expression which may include variables from the parameter list.
For variable length arrays one can also use the option * for the upper index in the last dimension of the array. (NB. only for formal parameters of functions and subroutines).
   double precision a(3:*), b(*), c(1:n,*), d(4,5,*)
It is important that the index range in the main program are exactly the same as in the subroutine. This restriction does not apply to the upper index of the last dimension.
      program example
      implicit none
      double precision a(100), x1(100), y1(100), average, v
      integer n, i
      read *, n
      read *, (a(i),i=1,n)
      v = average(a,n)
      read *, n
      read *, (x1(i),i=1,n)
      call copy ( x1, y1, n )

      function average ( a, n )
      implicit none
      integer n, j
      double precision a(n), average, sum
      sum = 0d0
      do j = 1, n
         sum = sum + a(j)
      end do
      average = sum / n

      subroutine copy ( x, y, n )
      implicit none
      integer n, i
      double precision x(*), y(*)
      do i = 1, n
         y(i) = x(i)
      end do
NB. By default, the FORTRAN compiler does not test array ranges. Going outside the array index range very often leads to unexpected and incomprehensible error messages.

A function is called by using its name, together with parameters (if any) in an expression.
      v = average(a,100)
A subroutine is called with a call statement.
      call copy ( x1, y1, 100 )

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Mathieu Pourquie 2001-02-28